
德克萨斯州财产法典披露要求适用于不超过一个住宅单元的财产销售, but do not apply to a transfer pursuant to a court order or foreclosure sale; by a trustee in bankruptcy; to or by a mortgage or beneficiary under a deed of trust or pursuant to a court ordered foreclosure or acquisition by a deed in lieu of foreclosure; by a fiduciary in the administration of a decedent's estate, guardianship, conservatorship, or trust; from one co-owner to one or more co-owners; made to a spouse or to a person or persons in the lineal line of consanguinity of one or more of the transferors; between spouses resulting from a decree of dissolution of marriage or legal separation or from any governmental entity; transfers of new residences of not more than one dwelling unit which have not been previously occupied for residential purposes; or transfers where the value of any dwelling does not exceed 5% of the value of the property.


Yes and no. Seller's disclosure requirements do not apply to foreclosure sales, 或随后由取消抵押品赎回权的贷款人出售(德克萨斯州财产法第5条).008). 丧失抵押品赎回权的销售也不受联邦含铅涂料披露要求的约束. However, a subsequent sale by the purchaser at a foreclosure sale, 包括在止赎拍卖中购买房产的贷款人, 是否不受1978年以前的含铅涂料披露要求的豁免. 贷款方或任何其他购买此类房产的买家应在销售合同中填写并附上TREC含铅涂料附录(TAR 1906),并向买家提供联邦政府批准的小册子. 参与这些交易的REALTORS®必须确保卖方(或其他卖方)遵守附录中所述的联邦法规. Remember, you risk a $10,如果你每次违反联邦含铅涂料披露要求,你将被处以高达3倍的罚款.

最近,我租赁和管理的房子的主人去世了. Her will left the property to her son and daughter. Her son is also the independent executor of her estate. When listing the property for sale, the son, who is an attorney, told me that he is not required to provide a seller's disclosure notice. Is he right?

Section 5.《十大网络彩票平台大全》第008条列出了卖方披露通知要求的法定例外情况. While he is acting in the capacity as executor for his mother's estate, the son is exempt under the fifth exception listed in that section. However, 作为继承人和财产所有人的儿子和女儿都不能免于法定要求. 即使卖方不受第5条卖方披露要求的约束.2008年,所有卖方都有义务披露其财产的已知缺陷. 如果不这样做,他们将根据《2021十大正规彩票app》或其他民事法律承担责任. As listing agent and property manager, 你最好把你的房产档案和关于房产缺陷或问题的个人知识分享给你的儿子和女儿,这样他们就可以把这些信息纳入卖方的披露通知中. 你所拥有的关于房产的信息可能会成为任何后续诉讼的焦点,包括隐瞒有关房产状况的信息. 被许可方有义务向任何潜在购买者披露其所知道的有关物业的任何重大缺陷,即使卖方未披露该等信息. Failure to do so may result in sanctions by TREC or civil liability. Finally, since the son and daughter are the owners of the property, 他们都应该签署你的上市协议和任何有关房产的合同.

Where does the broker disclose whom the broker represents?

Disclosure of representation, including intermediary status, 在每份表格最后一页“经纪资料及费用批核”栏内填写.